Annual REport

WOW! Our biggest year ever! All of this incredible growth in the midst of a pandemic and coup d’etat. This deserves a special thanks to our creative and hardworking leadership of Mali–Dr. Diallo!

590 PATIENTS helped this year for a total budget of $37,349.77

Diolia site: 233 patient encounters for a total expense of $3,895.22

Bamako site: 357 patients $33,454.55

Covered hospital days: 3008!

Average age of patient: 6.7 yrs

155 patients were under age 5, including 27 newborns.

259 patients in medical and surgical services

98 patients  treated with our emergency pharmacy

56% (145 patients) General Pediatrics and Neonatology
8%  (21 patients) Pediatric oncology 
15% (38 patients) Pediatric Surgery
1% (3 patients) ENT
3% (7 patients) Trauma Surgery 

2% (6 patients) subspecialty services (neurosurgery, neurology, gastroenterology)

Hôpital du Mali (pediatrics) 14% soit (36 patients)
Hôpital du point G 1% (3 patients)

We also stocked the first full burn cart at the Children’s Hospital and covered the costs of PPE for the pediatric Oncology Unit.



Financial update



Expenses since 1/2018

Service Age Diagnostic Devenir FCFA Case investment days hospitalized days with MMRF
1 ER 10years pneumonia sur retrovirose deceased 31800 $60.57 25 12days
2 ER 6months meningitis improved 19765 $37.65 12 4days
3 ped surgery 8years burn thermique improved 37250 $70.95 4 4days
4 Traumato 14years open fracture improved 30620 $58.32 3 3days
5 neonat j0 anoxic brain injury of neonate improved 14680 $27.96 8 7days
6 hospital admission 4months meningitis improved 7460 $14.21 9 4days
7 hospital admission 09years abcess hepatique improved 31370 $59.75 12 3days
8 ER 6months pneumonia improved 18890 $35.98 7 6days
9 hospital admission 8years nephrotic syndrome improved 29600 $56.38 35 25days
10 ER 10years meningitis deceased 20650 $39.33 5 4days
11 gastro 55years ulcere gastro duodenale ongoing 109645 $208.85 ongoing
12 Traumato 41years open fracture du genou Gauche ongoing 1013765 $1,930.98 ongoing
13 ER 4years pneumonia improved 146550 $279.14 12 7days
14 Traumato 12years open fracture de la leg droite improved 51630 $98.34 10 10days
15 ER 13months Cryptococcose neuromeningé improved 35275 $67.19 29 29days
16 neonat J3 anoxic brain injury of neonate + neonatal infection deceased 17205 $32.77 5 3days
17 ER 6years AVC /sickle cell anemia improved 41700 $79.43 14 12days
18 hospital admission 6months Malnutrition improved 8860 $16.88 17 4days
19 neurologie 56years AVC deceased 85000 $161.90 30 30days
20 hospital admission 2months meningitis improved 18500 $35.24 23 15days
21 Hospital of Mali 8years gen ped full report pending improved 59520 $113.37 1 1day
22 Hospital of Mali 24months gen ped full report pending improved 17000 $32.38 6 6days
23 Hospital of Mali 36months gen ped full report pending improved 6000 $11.43 1 1day
24 Hospital of Mali 13months gen ped full report pending improved 6000 $11.43 1 1day
25 Hospital of Mali 11years gen ped full report pending improved 7000 $13.33 1 1day
26 Hospital of Mali 5years gen ped full report pending improved 6000 $11.43 1 1day
27 neonat J18 anoxic brain injury of neonate + neonatal infection improved 16190 $30.84 10 4days
28 ER 23months meningitis improved 51160 $97.45 13 8days
29 hospital admission 5years Salmonellose improved 6755 $12.87 22 4days
30 hospital admission 5months meningitis +DH2O improved 15450 $29.43 9 6days
31 hospital admission 30months IMC ongoing 44250 $84.29
32 ER 36months pneumonia improved 16900 $32.19 8 5days
33 hospital admission 9years sickle cell anemia ongoing 6590 $12.55
34 hospital admission 12years nephrotic syndrome improved 20000 $38.10 1 1day
35 chirped 10years burn thermique improved 9725 $18.52 62 6days
36 ER 12years septicemie improved 128495 $244.75 44 43days
37 ER 9months pneumonia improved 25065 $47.74 16 14days
38 gastro 39years abcess hepatique du dome improved 311400 $593.14 38 38days
39 ER 24months pneumonia improved 25695 $48.94 29 21days
40 ER 2months stenose hyperthrophique du pylore improved 12960 $24.69 18 9days
41 neonat 12days Spina bifuda deceased 14210 $27.07 16 8days
42 oncopediatrie 5years Aplasie medulaire ongoing 354000 $674.29
43 hospital admission 4years syndrome nephrotique improved 18500 $35.24 1 1day
44 hospital admission 36months pneumonia improved 17950 $34.19 13 7days
45 ER 5years pneumonia improved 24040 $45.79 11 2days
46 hospital admission 12months meningitis improved 19500 $37.14 5 3days
47 pediatric oncology 15years Burkitt Lymphoma ongoing 212885 $405.50
48 Hospital of Mali 7years pleuresie improved 13000 $24.76 3 3days
49 Hospital of Mali 5years syndrome nephrotique improved 31980 $60.91 10 9days
50 Hospital of Mali 4years tuberculose multifocale ongoing 9270 $17.66
51 hospital admission 36months syndrome nephrotique improved 29435 $56.07 45 30days
52 ER 7years meningitis compliquée d’hydrocephalie ongoing 338315 $644.41
53 ER 17months meningitis compliquée d’hydrocephalie ongoing 7500 $14.29
54 ER 14years septicemie improved 40480 $77.10 20 5days
55 hospital admission 6years nephrotic syndrome improved 28020 $53.37 2 2days
56 ER 10years sepsis improved 136515 $260.03 31 19days
57 hospital admission 12years Hemoglobinopathie improved 13600 $25.90 22 14days
58 oncopediatrie 7years nephroblastome(nephrectomie elargie) deceased 398000 $758.10 92 10days
59 neonat j10 Spina bifuda improved 22170 $42.23 6 5days
60 hospital admission 7years pneumonia improved 43600 $83.05 12 12days
61 hospital admission 2months Hepatopathie improved 21000 $40.00 22 15days
62 chirped 10years Hirschprung ongoing 13500 $25.71
63 hospital admission 2months meningitis ongoing 49750 $94.76
64 ER 4years septicemie improved 59380 $113.10 20 9days
65 chirped 5years ostomy takedown deceased 150000 $285.71 3 3days
66 ER 11years meningitis ongoing 69700 $132.76
67 ER 11months pneumonia ongoing 5700 $10.86
68 hospital admission 26months pneumonia ongoing 7100 $13.52
69 hospital admission 8years syndrome nephrotique ongoing 14430 $27.49
70 ambulatoire 44years Insuffisance renale chronique ongoing 28720 $54.70
71 Traumato 30years open fracture de la leg droite ongoing 15000 $28.57

We are a virtually zero-overhead organization.  All money donated to Mali Medical Relief has gone to direct patient care.  Mali Medical Relief Fund is a 501(c)3 and all funds received will go directly to needy patients.  All of your donations are tax deductible.

Our organization is run on a volunteer basis and all funds received go directly to medical care, medicines and supplies.  Funds are accounted for and e-mails are sent to those who provide their address showing how the funds were spent and updated periodically here on our website.


Celebrating 10 years of Mali Medical Relief

Founded in 2008 with a simple email home, we have grown in size and impact 10 fold. From helping about 30 patients a year, we now help over 300!

Each and every day I am amazed what we are able to accomplish with so little in resources.  In the first 4 months of this year we have helped 71 patients receive emergent medical care at the national hospital. We are helping to save children’s lives everyday. Moreover, we help to save families from financial ruin by providing care at no cost to the patient.

Dr. Diallo and I attended a national conference this year to determine the next best steps for our growing organization. We hope to continue to expand our reach to help an increasing number of children.

Pictured above is Dr. Mark Travassos, Dr. Diallo, Dr. Barry, Dr. Sylla, and Trauma RN Mme Konate Maimouna Martine Kindo. Patient with mother (photo with permission)


2017 Annual Update

Interventions that change lives

I recently met renowned orthopedic surgeon Dr. Andrew Howard from at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He was speaking to a group of pediatricians at Shriner’s hospital in Spokane. One of the subjects he touched on was global health. What struck me was his emphasis on the importance of working in partnership with local physicians. Reliance on local resources is essential for projects to truly have a lasting impact. This really struck home with me, as we have always been committed to this ideal at Mali Medical Relief. I continue to be astounded by the amazing work we can do with so little. I hope you, our critical supporters are too. We are unique in how we rely exclusively on local expertise to run our organization. This means we help not only individual patients, but also the healthcare system by creating increased demand for technically advanced medical and surgical care. Our physicians can treat increasingly complex cases because we provide the support and resources to make them possible. When we first began nearly 10 years ago, I would never have imagined we would be helping patients with complex surgical needs. I am so proud of the work our team does, and incredibly humbled by the support provided by you, our donors.

This year several interventions stand out in my mind. First is a story of amazing perseverance. 12-year-old Kadiatou* is homeless after both her parents died. She was struck by a car this November and survived the impact. However, it left her with a broken right hip and ankle. Mali Medical Relief jumped in to help right away. Her hip and ankle have been repaired, and she is well on her way to full rehabilitation. The team is also working on helping to stabilize her home situation; truly taking care of the whole patient.

During our last site visit, representatives from the trauma unit were dismayed at how many amputations in pediatric patients they were seeing due to delayed treatment of compound fractures (open bone breaks). They pinpointed the source of the problem, a lack of available external fixation devices. We purchased two additional external fixation devices for the trauma unit to assist with limb sparing surgeries. These timely interventions are critical to prevent amputations and complications from infection.

Finally, we are reaching out to our NGO and government partners who care for pediatric cancer patients. These partners provide the standard chemotherapy for the disease. We were asked to help facilitate diagnostic and adjuvant treatment interventions. As I write, we have just accepted a new patient with neuroblastoma (6 yo boy) who needs additional diagnostic evaluation. These specialized interventions can substantially decrease morbidity and mortality related to pediatric leukemia and tumors.

Your support is essential to the work we do. Every dollar goes to directly fund patient care. Please consider donating to help sustain our ongoing activities. It truly means the world to us at Mali Medical Relief to be able to give hope to families in time of crisis. I welcome questions, suggestions, and ideas from everyone as we look to continue to grow and improve our operations.

With deep gratitude for your ongoing support,

Breanna Barger-Kamate

Mali Medical Relief Fund 501©3. 316 W Central, Missoula, MT 59801. Pictures are by patient consent only. Names changed to protect privacy.

Founder and Board Chair

Ethel MacDonald Treasurer, Kendra Wiggins MD, Mark Travassos MD, Mamadou Sylla MD, Paul Kamate MD, Hamidou Diallo MD, Morgan Halvorson, Tom Barger web development.

A new Look for Mali Medical Relief

Mali Medical Relief is beginning a new presence on the web by converting its site to Word Press.  We would like to invite all of our friends to make our presence known by liking and/or sharing our site.

We also want to remind everyone  of an Amazon campaign. If you shop with they will donate 0.5% of every purchase you make to Mali Medical Relief. Just select us as your charity of interest. It’s absolutely no cost to you!

Thank you for considering us in your charitable giving and happy spring!

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